Here are 8 people with the most unique mission in the world
1. Drink Coffee with 1.088 of his Facebook Friend
A man from
Australia made headlines in the kangaroo continent because of his attempt to
drink coffee with all of his Facebook friends numbering 1,088 people. The
28-year-old man named mission as "1000+ Coffees".
"Obviously I do not have 1,000 friends in the real life. The purpose of this mission is I want to know who the people who became my friends on facebook and get rid of the gadgets virus to talk directly to their face," he said.
2. Growing a
beard with Various Models
Whenever he has a beard or mustache shape with a particular model, it will prune and grow them back with the other models. This mission he began in 2088 apda years ago and will end November this year.
3 Drink at all "Red Lion" Pub In England
Cathy Price, from Preston, Lancashire, visited to 500 different pubs named "Red Lion" in the UK. He celebrated his 500th visit in Bedfordshire, where he visited the Red Lion in Dagnall, Whipsnade Zoo.
Cathy (55 years) has been touring the country since 2011. In the UK the day, Cathy can visit 5 Red Lion pub. And so far his record is at 11 Red Lion pub in one day in Oxfordshire.
Cathy will end its mission in the Red Lion pub in Hawkshead region, where he started his mission.
4 Bring Photo of her Father to countries in Europe
A girl named Jinna Yang touring Europe with a snippet of his father. In 2012, Jinnah's father died of stomach cancer. While still alive, Jinna father once told me that he promised to invite Jinnah to get around Europe.
Since Jinna was so fond of his father, he worked harder in order to get around Europ together with (photos) father.
5 Drinking Coffee at Starbucks Store All Existing in the World
Winter, a coffee fanatic of Houston, Texas, has a mission to drink coffee at every Starbucks store in the world.
Given that Starbucks Store operates on almost every street corner in America, not to mention thousands of stores worldwide, Winter seems to be on a mission impossible.
However, beyond the usual he claimed to have visited 11.773 a Starbucks store, and he will not give up until he had visited tens of thousands of other Starbucks Store.
6. Fix Every Typing Error On Every Cicerone
Jeff Beck and Benjamin D. Herson have a unique mission. Their mission is to travel across the United States to correct a typing error on the marker or road markings.
The Great Typo Hunt: Two Friends Changing the World, One Correction At A Time is a book about the journey in the mission they improve the writing on every signpost.
The biggest difficulty they face just does not get permission from the makers of the road markings or local agency to correct the wrong posts.
In 2 1/2 months, Herson and Deck touring the United States, exploring the cities to look for the signpost typing error. Until this time, they found 437 writing mistakes and was able to improve by more than half.
7. Replacing the Billboard With Classical Painting
Etienne Lavie, a street artist in paris, her mission is to change the billboards throughout the city of Paris with something beautiful, classic painting.
Etienne Lavie, Inspired by Eugene Delacroix in the project named "OMG WHO stole my ads?"
You can imagine how advertisers will be surprised and angry when they rent the billboard that was hijacked by a group of street artists.
But do not worry, this one mission is not done in the real world, but done with Photoshop. Lavie first photographing the streets of Paris and each billboard will change his classic paintings using Photoshop and the result it spread over the internet.
8. Hugging Army As Much As Possible
Elizabeth Laird
is known as "The Hug Lady" by soldiers from Ft. Hood in Killeen,
Texas. The 80-year-old woman visited every military base since 2003 with one
goal: to hug every soldier who was going or returning from the battlefield.
Elizabeth claims he has embraced more than 500,000 American troops during eleven years since he first embraced a Salvation Army volunteer in 2003. When the soldiers around her, she saw another troop of his unit stood on the runway. He can not bear to see other soldiers sad not to get a hug (it could be the last time). So she hugged each of them and Elizabeth were set its mission to hug every soldier to be set off or return.
Elizabeth claims he has embraced more than 500,000 American troops during eleven years since he first embraced a Salvation Army volunteer in 2003. When the soldiers around her, she saw another troop of his unit stood on the runway. He can not bear to see other soldiers sad not to get a hug (it could be the last time). So she hugged each of them and Elizabeth were set its mission to hug every soldier to be set off or return.
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