The Knife and a Tree

The Knife and a Tree

There are a couple who just married, not like a couple in common who just married, because almost every day the couple fight. no romantic talk anymore. that all because the husband, his name is Alle, alle is temper man. every his wife do a little mistake, he scold her with hars word.

The Knife and a Tree

One day, Alle’s father come to visit him. not in long time, his father saw Alle’s scold his wife. alle feel that he’s perfect and never do a little mistake in his life, so when he saw his wife did a little mistake, he will be angry.. Alle’s father can’t do anything. but in his heart, he feel so same and disappointed, and then he engage alle to come with him. “where we will go?” Alle asked, his father said “ just following me”

Both of them stop near a tree. “ what are we going to do here?  you just wasting my time” Alle feel angry to his father. then his father showing him a knife on his hand and give it to alle. “ Throw this knife to that tree!” Alle’s father asked. “what do you mean?” Alle said. “ Just do what I said!!!”  his father command. and then alle take that knife, he threw  the knife to the tree. at the first try, the knife didn’t pierce the tree, only scratch the tree and the knife fall on the grass. “ take that knife and do it again” his father command him. without any question, alle take that knife and try again. after many times he tried, the knife never pierce the tree and only some scratchs.. and his father still asked him to try again and again. Alle couldn’t keep patience anymore. and he couldn’t hold his anger in his heart. “ HEEY OLD MAN !!! I don’t care you are my father but I don’t want to do it anymore!!! I don’t understand what do you mean by asking this to me! everybody in this earth would not be able to pierce this knife to that big tree, the skin is too thick !! you fucking old man... it’s useless.. it’s just wasting my time you know!!!”
“Hmmm young boy, where is your energy? just throwing the knife, you give up so easily? so don’t feel that you’re a perfect guy and feel that you can do everything without  a mistake in your life if you can’t do the little task  that I gave to you” said his father. “NO NO NO.. I didn’t give up yet. I will show you and prove that I’am a perfect guy and I can do everything. give that knife to me!!!” with so anger Alle threw the knife to that tree. and finally, the knife pierce the tree so deep. “Look old man!! I made it!!! Now you belive that I’am a perfect guy” Alle so satisfied. his father come to take the knife that piercing on the tree, he pull the knife and call Alle. “come and see my son. do you see the hole that causes by the knife that was threw by you? can you fix the tree to become like before we come here? absolutely you wouldn’t be able. need a long time for the tree fix it’s wound, but the trace of the wound still there and never be able to erase. if you feel so angry and release it to something, you will broke it, just like you did here. just like if you release your anger to someone, your lips more sharp then the knife, you can hurt someone only with your word that come out from your lips, the wound in someone’s heart that causes by your lips could be healed by the time,  but the trace of that wound will never leaves her heart. because that’s as hard as you fix the tree to become like before we come here.”
Finally Alle realize what his father mean. and he also realize what he did to his wife was wrong.
and then he hug his father and crying.. he apologize for his hares word to him and then he running to his house to meet his wife to apologize for all the mistakes that he did to her.

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