The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia

The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia
Giant Worm
World's longest giant worm, 5 Meters. Maybe a worm that we usualy see have the large size diameter 0.5 CM. Well, in Bali, Indonesia ,discovered worms with super sized and super long. According to wikipedia this giant worm can reach a length up to 5 meters and weighing nearly one kilogram, this worm species known as the Great balinese Earthwort (Spenceriellia Balinensis gigantea) or in the Indonesian language is often called the Bali giant worms, this is one of the giant worm species remaining on earth .

As a nation of Indonesia should be proud because this worm species endemic in Indonesia, especially in Bali, this worm is estimated to have evolved since the last 5 million years since the Indonesian archipelago is still fused with the Asian continent. These worms known live solitary same as terrestrial carnivores in general, is suspected animal likes to live alone because of competition for prey becomes more intense, as if the two are combined the worm equally male then both male worms that will fight, when combined male and The female then another story, when the male and female in combination in a container then within a few minutes it will definitely second the worm mating. then after two days of parent worms will spawn as many as 100 eggs and 2 weeks later the kids worms will hatch. It is interesting and the most sinister of this type of worm is its ability to suck the prey, this worm will seek carrion whatever is nearby to suck the nutrients, and the most surprising is that this worm can suck an egg, snake egg, reptile or fowl.

The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia
The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia 

The farmers in Bali be surprised by this creature, because many farmer's eggs can not hatch and rot at the same time, after the governor of Bali called two researchers from Harvard University turns out the researchers concluded that the eggs do not hatch and rot due the eggs had been sucked by a giant worm bali, The Governor had call Fumigation services to expel worms from the local farm community in a way that the worm was blurred hiding in the ground, but in fact it is even more worms popping up everywhere.

The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia
Eggs that have been sucked

The Giant Worm Found Inland of Bali Indonesia
The Giant Worm was caught by resident
believe it or not?
if you don't believe, you can visit Bali Indonesia to see the giant worm directly

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