At this time
there a lot of beauty products that claim to make your skin firmer, making it
look more youthful. In reality, there are also ways to tighten facial skin
using natural methods. This method is already much to know, but only a few
among them who choose to use it.
Not because there is no efficacy,
but because of the treatment process does require a substantial time. Actually,
even if you use the beauty products you should also regularly use it. Sure, use
it more simple beauty products, but if suppose not match with your skin, how?
In the event that you are hesitant
in choosing which one is right beauty products for your skin type, you should
consult a dermatologist or you can also try out a way to tighten the skin by
using natural ingredients that are easily obtainable. Well, here's a natural
way that you can try.
how to tighten facial skin naturally
1. Eggs
The first way to tighten facial skin
can take advantage of the egg. Prepare the fruit, eggs and egg whites only take
part. Apply egg white on the face and wait until dry. When it dries, then wash
your face with warm water.
2. Bananas
Bananas have benefits to moisturize
the skin and also makes it firmer. Prepare 1-2 ripe bananas and puree. Apply
the entire face and let sit for about 20 minutes. Then wash your face with
3. Avocado and olive oil
For the problem of beauty, both
natural ingredients does not need to doubt his usefulness. To tighten the skin,
mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with avocado that has been smoothed. Store in
the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, apply on your face. Let stand for
20 minutes then wash with water.
4. Yogurt and lemon
Yogurt is a food dairy products you
can use to tighten the skin. take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and then add a
few drops of lime juice. Mix well and then apply on the skin. Let stand for 15
minutes, then wash your face with warm water.
5. Milk powder, honey, and vitamin E
Mix 2 tablespoons of milk powder
with a few drops of pure honey and oil vitamin E. Stir gently until everything
is evenly perfectly. Apply on the face and let sit for about 10 minutes. Clean
the face with water until clean.
In order to maximize the results
obtained, in addition to the above treatments routinely and regularly, you are
also advised to follow the way of tightening the skin such as the following.
1. Sports
Everyone also knows that exercise is
healthy. Well, it turns out exercise is also beneficial for the facial skin
tightening. Sports are suitable for facial skin tightening is the inversion
exercise, because it is able to eliminate the effects of gravity and reverse
sagging skin. As well, the incoming blood flow to the face will be increased so
as to help the process of skin rejuvenation.
2. Facial massage
Before you rest (sleep) do facial
massage on a regular basis, it can help blood circulation to the face more
smoothly. Massage the face surface in a circular motion. Do not forget, to
massage the neck as well. This is because the skin of the neck are more prone to
wrinkle the skin.
3. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle
Unhealthy lifestyle like his thing
smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages should be avoided. This is because
cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can be toxic to skin cells, which in turn
can inhibit the process of skin regeneration.
4. Protect your skin from the sun
Excessive sun can damage the skin
layer due to ultraviolet rays. In addition, too often you are exposed to sun
exposure will result in the loss of natural oils and moisture. Therefore, you should
use a sunscreen before doing activities that require you to be under direct
That way tighten facial skin that
you can try at home. Good luck and prove its benefits.
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