Smoker with Holey Neck Share his Experience in Facebook

Smoker with Holey Neck Share his Experience in Facebook
Smoker with HoleyNeck Share his Experience in Facebook

Smoker with Holey Neck Share his Experience, his Name is Robby Indra Wahyuda.  His Faithful Wife Accompany him Currently Undergoing Surgery Hospital.What happened to the man from Samarinda (Indonesia) was sparked sympathy from many people in Facebook.

The figure of a man named Robby Indra Wahyuda suddenly famous in social media, especially in Indonesia. Many people follow his Facebook account, since he frequently post his experience after the Doctor has been convicted him that he diseases cancer of the larynx.

The cancer caused by smoking habit,now Robby must be willing to lose his voice.

"I want to show off Bro. Now there’s a hole on my neck just like in the cigarette box. The doctor said I had cancer of the vocal cords. Now I'm mute loh ... Cool right .. Come on bro I smoked a lot then accompany me here, after that we are going to create Mute Community bro., "wrote Robby in his Facebook page, Friday, October 31, 2014.
Smoker with Holey Neck Share his Experience in Facebook
Smoker with HoleyNeck Share his Experience in Facebook

Men who worked in the Education Department Samarinda also upload photographs when she was undergoing treatment to undergo surgery at the hospital. In one photo, looks Robby’s faithful wife sleep with him next to a hospital bed.

"When I had stage 3 cancer are contracting. My wife is willing to accompany and look after me until the morning. Love u dear," wrote Robby.

On her Facebook page, Robby hopping what he experienced could be a lesson to everyone, especially smokers.

"If you've had cancer like me, lots of good food that is not allowed to be eaten

Hopefully you guys out there are always given Health by Allah, "wrote Robby.

What happened to Robby sparked sympathy People. Many of them expressed support for healing Robby on his Facebook page.

"After the release of my photos in a virtual world not a few who prayed for my healing and not a few who prayed for me quickly die, some say I am stupid because I take my selfie Photos in the simulator."

"Regardless of the pros and cons I could still think clearly. And I only apologize when there is a debate between anti-smoking with smokers. I'm just showing that I am a real example of larynx cancer patients aged 26 years," wrote Robby.

The following comments on his Facebook page :

"God will always provide the best healing friends, keep praying and never broke to always expect HIM (but if already recovered yaaaa do not smoke anymore)," said Basuki Handy Tanty Robby Facebook page.

"Keep the Spirit, Broo .....!" Edyriano Valery wrote.

"I’am heavy smokers. I think I will stop..Thanks bro u save one more person from hell ... GWS bro..amin," said Ngurah Eka.

Knowmoresmartmore said Thanks for reading " Smoker with Holey Neck Share his Experience in Facebook " Hope you Would like to read our other articles ^_^

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