How to Straighten Hair Most Easily, Safely, and Naturaly

Today both men or women who have curly and wavy hair is always trying to find ways to straighten their hair easiest but still gives a sense of security when doing so. Indeed, not everyone wants her hair perfectly straight. Because there are some people who prefer to have wavy hair and even some people who prefer curly hair. This has proved that like it or not a person is relative. Because what we like, not necessarily other people like. And what we do not like, may be others like it a lot, right?

How to Straighten Hair Most Easily, Safely, and Naturaly

Talk about straight hair, lately many beauty salons that provide services to its customers to be able to have straight hair like what you imagine. There was nothing to prohibit, as long as the hair straightening method is safe to use and adapted to its place.

Hair itself is diverse in shape, there are curly, straight, dreadlocks, thick, thin, straight wavy, and many others. One of the factors that determine a person's hair is genetic. Therefore, if you have curly hair, straight, etc., try to see your  father and your mother. Are hair owned by your parents the same with the hair you have?

Until now, hair rebonding is still the most popular hair straightening method. But in fact, the way it was less safe for the health of your hair. This is because one of the rebonding process uses some chemicals and it will give side effects on your hair later.

Want to keep hair straight? Try the following ways of hair straightening. This method is suitable and safer for you to do, because this way of using natural methods that away from chemicals. Want to know what tips? Here are tips for your hair straightening.
natural way to straighten hair :

1. Using a blend of banana, papaya, and honey
To straighten hair with a blend of three natural ingredients, the way is mash bananas and papaya first. Then mix 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Stir until ingredients are evenly mixed natural. Jerky on the hair and leave it for 30 minutes. After that, then rinse your hair with water until clean.

2. Using lime and coconut milk
The second way to Straighten hair can by using natural materials such as lime and coconut milk. The trick, provide 2-3 limes then squeeze. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with a glass of milk. Then save a mixture of natural ingredients are in the fridge until thickened. When it thickens, apply on hair and comb. Use hair cover and set aside some time that the nutrients from both natural materials can seep perfectly.

3. Using celery
Prepare some leaves of fresh celery, then mash and mix with water. After that, squeeze and take the water to then be used as cream bath. Before use, you should first save the juice for about 12 hours.

Those are some tips that we can share to you about How to Straighten Hair Most Easily, Safely, and Naturaly, those certainly very easy to try. Hopefully the above tips can make your hair straight without worrying about damage to the hair. Good luck

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